Thursday, November 27, 2008


Here's a very quick edit of the Strangers shot. The shoot for this concept didn't really happen and I'm hoping to expand on the concept in the summer time when I have some more time on my hands. I consider this a precursor to what will come ...



The final image of 'Cut Out Heart' is up as my splash page (www.jasonmatosphoto) so you can ignore the ones below as the final one is my personal favorite, who knows, you may like the other ones better ...



This shot is of La Neuvo Costa in Burlington, right on Brant Street. I had a surprise birthday here one year and it's a really classy restaurant. Supposedly they have an amazing selection of wine but I wouldn't know since I can't stand wine. If you are a wine connoisseur then check this place out, they have a glass wine 'cellar' that is pretty sick.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Last night was the Straight Reads the Line show in Hamilton, Ontario. I was stoked for this show since I heard about it early November. My friends band, Call the Cavalry, was the openers for the show and they did an incredible job! If you ever get the chance to check them out then do so!! Here are some pictures from their set last night ...

Here is a quick shot of my good buddy Branden, who ripped it up doing the lights for Call the Calvalry, he may be dropping out of Counterparts to do lights full time .... not really ...


Monday, November 24, 2008


Here's two new shots I shot tonight at the studio tonight for my portrait class, I had to shoot a high key photo.

Here's two that I came up with, let me know which one you like the best!!



I'll be posting a new project hopefully later tonight or tomorrow that borders on the fringe of reality and my imagination.

Click HERE to see the movie trailer that partially influenced the concept for this shoot.

Disclaimer: if you are young, not allowed to watch scary movies, too old to accept scary movies, too naive to think they serve a purpose, wet yourself easily, or are scared easily, don't watch the previews. Thanks.

Check back soon!


Sunday, November 23, 2008


My good friend in Ottawa is a genius with computers & requested a picture of someone who is frustrated with a computer, so he can use the image on fliers to hand out around his university. Sounded fun to me. Here's what we came up with ...

Here are some other photos that turned out but weren't used for the ad.

I'm slowly figuring out how to build a website and bring it together, so far this is my final edit, I have everything working. Keep checking back to the blog to see some new projects that I have coming up.

I've been taking the time to plan out some more ... interesting shoots.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


After hours of frustration and me wanting to hurl my laptop across the room, I have (somewhat) finished my new website.

Feel free to drop me a line @ to let me know what you think of the site.
