Tuesday, February 10, 2009


This was shot for a class at school - we had to shoot a liquid. This wasn't my final shot, just a test shot that I ended up liking.

Cheers, Jason.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


After some serious internal debate as to whether I want to build a new site I did. Amazing what boredom can motivate someone to do ...

Below is a screen capture of some of my home page for the new site. (Make sure to click it to be able to read all the text.)

This weekend I am shooting some promotional shots for a band out of Oakville called Skies Fade Grey. They are just finishing writing and recording in the studio and just waiting to get their name into the Ontario scene even more than it is now.

This has been a busy week which poisoned the weekend which is now busy. I will be posting an illustrative commercial photo of fruit punch early this weekend also.

Cheers, Jason.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Yesterday I had had a photoshoot with an amazing person. I photographed him during his training. It's odd though, what he is training for seems to conflict with his personality. Drew is probably one of the nicest dudes I've ever met so seeing him wrestling guys to the floor and punching them in the face is odd.

Drew is currently training 40 hours a week to become a pro UFC fighter. He has had one fight already and knocked the guy out in a minute thirty.

We shot at Premier Fitness in Burlington - thanks to Rob Mayer. The shoot was fun and I had the chance to get to know Drew just a little bit better, which was awesome. I'm looking forward to shooting some of his fights in the future.