Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Last night was the Straight Reads the Line show in Hamilton, Ontario. I was stoked for this show since I heard about it early November. My friends band, Call the Cavalry, was the openers for the show and they did an incredible job! If you ever get the chance to check them out then do so!! Here are some pictures from their set last night ...

Here is a quick shot of my good buddy Branden, who ripped it up doing the lights for Call the Calvalry, he may be dropping out of Counterparts to do lights full time .... not really ...



Jordan Thomas said...

I like the black & white pic of the lead singer the best! Is that a girl in the first picture, what is she doing? Mic check?

PS. Why are all drummers jacked?

Jason Matos Photography said...

The girl, Katie, is the singer of the band & a crazy good one at that!! There was no mic checks going down, just a whole lotta music.