Sunday, November 23, 2008


My good friend in Ottawa is a genius with computers & requested a picture of someone who is frustrated with a computer, so he can use the image on fliers to hand out around his university. Sounded fun to me. Here's what we came up with ...

Here are some other photos that turned out but weren't used for the ad.

I'm slowly figuring out how to build a website and bring it together, so far this is my final edit, I have everything working. Keep checking back to the blog to see some new projects that I have coming up.

I've been taking the time to plan out some more ... interesting shoots.


1 comment:

Jordan Thomas said...

I think I've had the exact same emotional breakdowns that are in the first 3 pictures! Damn macbook just loves to break...

I think the one of him going to punch the screen in the best!