Tuesday, February 10, 2009


This was shot for a class at school - we had to shoot a liquid. This wasn't my final shot, just a test shot that I ended up liking.

Cheers, Jason.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


After some serious internal debate as to whether I want to build a new site I did. Amazing what boredom can motivate someone to do ...

Below is a screen capture of some of my home page for the new site. (Make sure to click it to be able to read all the text.)

This weekend I am shooting some promotional shots for a band out of Oakville called Skies Fade Grey. They are just finishing writing and recording in the studio and just waiting to get their name into the Ontario scene even more than it is now.

This has been a busy week which poisoned the weekend which is now busy. I will be posting an illustrative commercial photo of fruit punch early this weekend also.

Cheers, Jason.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Yesterday I had had a photoshoot with an amazing person. I photographed him during his training. It's odd though, what he is training for seems to conflict with his personality. Drew is probably one of the nicest dudes I've ever met so seeing him wrestling guys to the floor and punching them in the face is odd.

Drew is currently training 40 hours a week to become a pro UFC fighter. He has had one fight already and knocked the guy out in a minute thirty.

We shot at Premier Fitness in Burlington - thanks to Rob Mayer. The shoot was fun and I had the chance to get to know Drew just a little bit better, which was awesome. I'm looking forward to shooting some of his fights in the future.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is just a test shot for the prior post on Air Marshal Landing. Went along with the blue theme.


Monday, January 26, 2009


First project & one more project closer to graduating.

Cheers, Jason

Sunday, January 25, 2009


So I finally got the chance to shoot a band hailing from London, Ontario. The drummer is by best friend from home, and the band was competing in a battle of the bands type event called Supernova. If they win (which we'll know soon) then they get a bunch of recording time and are entered into a national competition which will be an online vote.

Check out their myspace HERE!!

We shot the photos in a lounge in Graham'
s residence at Western. The room had a classic, Victorian feel to it, and the room came across very ancient and cold, so I tried to incorporate those judgments into the photos. There is one of my lights in the photo and I was going to remove it but I liked how the modern technology was in conflict with the feel of the Victorian room.

Until next time,


Monday, January 19, 2009


Saturday was Inland's CD release party & it was so sick to be able to photograph it. So many people came out to support them, which was so good to see. You can check them out HERE.

I have a few shoots coming up, shooting some promos for a band out of Oakville this Saturday and a band from London on Sunday so check back soon!


Monday, January 12, 2009


New edited shot of Brad.

I moved into res last night and as usual, was bored at night time.


Saturday, January 3, 2009


Here is an older shot that was done for a 1st semester project. Looking through my photos of '08 and discovered this one, completely forgot I did an edit of this version.


Thursday, January 1, 2009


Here are some individual portraits of a band out of Oakville, Less Like Humans. They just finished recording their new EP (which is so sick) and are starting to book shows. They have gone through a few member changes & they are (I think so) at the best I have seen them. You can check out their music at www.myspace.com/lesslikehumans. I think their plan is to throw up a new song off their EP up on their site once the promos go up. Be sure to check out the top of the page to see the group shot.

I actually dirtied up my lens a bit and experiemented with lens flare and having the light come through the lens more directly to make some different designs around the subject matter. It's different but I think it suits the band and goes well.
